
Afternoon all. Hope you had a top Christmas. I've been taking a bit of a break from posting but fear not cos now I is back.

First up, what are the actual chances of being caught in an airborne terror attack? Check the chart below..

(Data collated by Nate Silver/via Gizmodo)

Next up, God loves Metal apparently. Its his fave...

Nothing like a bit of honesty. Especially where girls are concerned...

I always knew there was something weird about Paul McCartney..

Thats all folks, have a top NYE and I shall see you in 2010. Don't forget, someone is 30 on Monday 4th, with a party to celebrate on the 2nd. Go here for the details...

See Ya!!

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300 posts, frakkin' hell, I can actually keep a blog going!

First up, this picture is apparently taken from an anti US protest in Karachi, Pakistan. My guess is they meant get out...

(From uberdesi.com, via @rpwilson)

Next up, the fine art of drunk stacking...

And finally, the best licence plate ever...

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Morning all, hope you've had a top weekend.

First up, this is weird. An Indian-ised version of Jingle Bells. W.T.F?

Next up, Jesus Vs Santa. Some people I mean really..

And finally for this week, Auto Tune 2009. That's right peeps, the best and most memorable moments of 2009, Auto Tuned to fuck!

That's it all, a short post I know but there will be plenty of posts this week in the run up to Christmas. Enjoy your Sunday, I shall see you soon...

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Use a barcode scanner on your mobile to scan the QR code below to get taken to a top secret website...


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How fanboys of the three main OS's see each other...


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Evening all, good weekend? 

First up, how epic a fail is this...

Irish politician, Paul Gogarty lets rip at fellow MP Emmet Stagg during a debate (Sooooo NSFW)...

This weeks Tw*t of the Week goes to the rather funny @octane.. I shall say no more...

Regrets.. Damn it!

Hey look, don't act like I never give you anything ladies.. This is proper cringe worthy...

Finally for this week, what happens when you cross an over the top Christmas light show with the smash hit game Guitar Hero? I've always wanted to know for one, check this...

Have a top week all, we will see you soon..

RIP Jamie Goddard, I just found out. So very tragic, you will be missed man...

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Morning all..

Yup, its Friday...

First up, from Buzzfeeds 2009’s Top 25 Most Ridiculous Uses Of Photoshop (quite a scary piece all in all), Victorias Secret Absent Butt Crack..

OK, cutesy warning, but this is as well edited as it is funny. Everyone remember MacGyver? Everyone like cats? Ok cool...

Lastly for today, gotta love auto suggestion in web pages...

Have a top weekend all, see you on Sunday... ;-D

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Morning all. Get this, I mean really, what is wrong in this video??

OK, a little political this one but kinda funny all the same. A group of NYC hipster cyclists repainted 14 blocks of cycle lanes after it was removed for safety and religious reasons. The city sandblasted away the paint markings in the largely Hasidic neighbourhood of Williamsburg as they “posed both a safety and religious hazard.”. Hon-est-ly, can't you kids get the frick along??

OK, if your easily offended or grossed out look away now. This is funny, but oh so very gross..

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Morning all. First up, feel the need for a goomah? Unsure if your busy schedule will allow for one and let you get away with it? Follow this handy guide to help you find out...

Next, Yale Students Vs Street Preacher...

Finally for today, Scar Wars, like Scar Face but in space. You wanna piece of me??!

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This shit is incredible. Dude camps out by a phone box in the middle of the desert and has people call the phone box via skype/landline. Simples, oh and there is a Big Brother-esque live feed. Same meat, different gravy I guess..

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Evening all.. Good weekend? Here's our weekly dose of what's been hot on the tubes..

First up, there's always one that takes it too far..

Next up, a genuine video for the James Perrys 2010 Mayor of New Orleans campaign. He's gotta win with slogans like "Are you shitting me??"..

Tw*t of the Week this week goes to the rather awesome @loadedsanta, guaranteed to ruin Christmas in 140 characters..

THis next picture is taken from Buzzfeed.com's 50 best protest signs of 2009 article. Honestly if your going to insult someone culturally, at least take the time to spell the insult correctly...

Website of the Week is a geeky one this week, but I don't care. Meet parcyle, your new favourite time waster.

More Google auto complete funnies..

And finally for this week, the Sex Offender Shuffle..

Have a top week all, don't forget to listen out for me on the tech spot on BBC Radio Lincolnshire, tomorrow evening around 630pm..

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Morning all, you remember flow charts right?..

I saw this earlier on and it was gonna make it into the Cocknose Review for this week and it may well still, but still, too funny...

I love this, but if your not a geek, or on Twitter you simply ain't gonna get it #webappcelebs.

And finally for the week, 101 aerodynamics.  First off, surely this can't be done outdoors there would be too many varying factors. Secondly I'm not convinced its not a wire but anyhoozle, have a peep...

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Have a top Friday und Saturday y'all. See you Sunday for the Sunday Joint


Hi all. First up today the amazing invisible man. Just WOW!! Loads more over at Hi-Fructose (via boingboing.net)...

Next up and finally for the post, Zombie Reagan. Yes that's right folks, in a vain effort by the Republican Party to regain some popularity, they have re-animated the corpse of Ronald Reagan. "When he moans, they're going to listen.". (Via theonion.com)

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Ok, it's an oldie but a goodie. For those that have never seen this, this is the exploding whale, the 5th most watched video on der tubes. For the original story go here. The folks over at Asylum had a chat with Paul Linnman, the reporter who covered the story back in the day. I just love the bit when the guy in charge (is he stoned as well?) declares he doesn't know how much dynamite it will take. Not that much?

Its been well documented that the planets saviour, Barrack Obama, is a geek. These pictures kinda prove that...

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So if you remember sometime ago, Microsoft announced that they were partnering with the rather funny, if somewhat close to the bone, Family Guy to promote the launch of Windows 7. After M$ realised they were hardly suited bedfellows, they pulled out of the deal. However M$ has released some of the videos on their Youtube channel. Watch and don't ever say I don't do anything for you guys. Be aware these are kinda lame...

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Evening all, late one today. Hope you've had a good weekend. As always BIIIIGGG shouts to the Lincoln Tweeps at #FridayDrinks, twas a top night with a good turn out with some new faces also. Anyhoozle, on with todays post. This first picture easily gets tw*t of the week...

Next up, check what happens when a Mini Van inadvertently takes on a wrecking ball, ca-runch!!

Website of the Week has to go to 27b/6 and the rather hilarious David Thorne. Just click on the link and read his email exchanges. They are brilliant, just like his Pie Charts...

Lastly this week, The Star Trek A-Team. Yup, you heard, you can thank me later..

Thats it y'all, have a good week, speak to you soon...

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Well, I did warn you in the title of this post...

Anyhoozle, anyone check the PS22 Chorus and their (hate to be a bitch about it but, a little early, but rather awesome) welcoming in of the silly season?? No, well thats why I'm here. Ladies and Gents, singing a rather fantastic rendition of Run This Town by Jay-Z, the PS22 Chorus...

Ok, now I did warn you I would mess with your head. This next guy, he's like a toilet humour Banksy. He hi-jacks billboards. Ladies and Gents I give you, the Defecator!

Have a top weekend all, don't forget #FridayDrinks tonight, if your in the fair city of Lincoln do pop in and say hello... If you'd like to complain about me or my shit blog press the following button and tell your friends...
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Its the return of the morning funnies, renamed the daily funnies and all in one post. Gees I'm good to you guys...

Novel to say the least..

Save the Children AND get a free lap dance?? Tell me where....

Finally for the day, I <3 the muppets, always have. If you don't then your just plain weird. This involved over 70 of them including Animal; its so good to see the guys at Muppet Studios still hard at it. Anyhoozle get this...

Have a top Thursday all, and don't forget to tell your friends/share the love with the 'share' button below... K, tx, bye...

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