
Welcome back to part 2, hope your having a good Monday. First off in this part further tributes to Michael. For anyone that is on Twitter and in particular on Twitter on Thursday night, the above picture will be quite funny. If not than it won't, but thats your fault for not being 'down with the kids' now isn't it!

Secondly, more sexist advertising from a bygone era, "Women are soft and gentle but they hit things.."

Old Foreign Jokes Home:

Q: What do you call a Mexican peeping-tom?A: Senor Minge.

And finally for this week, Childrens books of the 21st century;

Oh and;

Farah Fawcett dies and goes to heaven. God tells her she can have anything she wants and asks her what she would like. She replies, "I'd like all my children protecting."

So god kills Michael Jackson.

You didn't think I'd leave you without one did you? Take care I shall see you soon.

That is all.


So of course, by now you would have heard, Michael Jackson is dead. A very sad moment for music in general, it is kind of sad also to watch the vultures swoop in and say they always loved him. Anyways forget the jokes (some of which have been good) and forgot the bullshit rumours, in simple tribute to the definitive king of pop and his rather brilliant music, its those crazy prison inmates with their tribute to the man.

Here's one very good reason to learn English, before you buy a t-shirt that says the wrong thing. Kinda like the urban myth where the girl gets the Chinese for Western Slut tattooed on her arm/arse/face, only in reverse;

Next, some geek humour, 'nuff said...

And finally, just one more reason to hate our wonderful tabloid press;


So I found this over on Phillyd.tv. Front handspring, full court shot. George I hope your watching this...


Welcome back to part 2. We don't just bring you funny, we also like to bring you a little of the weird here at avinagiraffe.com. Just take a look at what these crazy Japanese club kids have been up to. Basically deforming themselves by experimenting with saline inflation (head on over to BMEzine.com if you really wanna see more of this weirdness);

Secondly for this part, FOX news in the good 'ol US of A ran a story on a bear spotted in a womans back yard. Nothing funny or weird about that you say. Just watch the video below;

(via buzzfeed.com)

Thirdly, the 'Hey' video. Quite possibly the funniest thing on the 'tube right now;

(via @luke_morton)

And finally for this part, and this weeks post, an old and somewhat terrible joke;

Old Jokes Home:
Q. What's yellow and hides in Afghanistan?
A. The Talibanana.

Have a brilliant week, I will see you all soon.

That is all.


First up, the most chilled out guy ever. Hey, at least he's got time for a fag;
Secondly, Trouble with the Wife. A transcript of an Internet Relay Chat from bash.org. I don't know if this is real or not but either way it's damn funny (click on through for a larger version).

(via bash.org)

That's it for now...


So it's a world shattering topic that everyone's talking about at the moment - Autotune; Good or Evil? We'll leave it up to you to decide, but just to prove that IT CAN make anyone can sound good/comedy, here are two videos from @autotunethenews. There are many more over at their youtube page but in my opinion these are two of the best...

Obama Flashback

Martin Luther King sings

(via @autotunethenews/schmoyoho)


Second part late this week, no apologies, at least you got something funny to show people at work tomorrow ;)!

First off I love this, a letter to Robert De Niro. I think the guys got a point and De Niro could make a mint out of this!

(via markmaynard.com)

and to finish off, an old joke;

An Irishman was driving along the motorway when he was overtaken by a lorry transporting turf to a garden centre. 'That's what I'll do when I'm rich', he says to his wife. 'Have me lawn taken away to be cut'.

Enjoy your week!


Morning all. In the first part of this weeks Sunday Joint, lifes big questions as answered by the much hyped computational knowledge engine Wolfram Alpha.

They are many other very funny ones over on the original article on Buzzfeed.com

Next up some oldies but goodies, Snatch Vs Starwars:

So if we're doing Star Wars fan videos, I can't not include this. Geek humour at its best:


Just found this on Engadget.. Brilliant, just brilliant!!..

.."Tired of blaming GPS on petty mishaps like the destruction of cars, a demolition crew in Georgia has managed to accidentally destroy an entirely wrong house based on GPS coordinates. Oddly enough, it wasn't even the first time they'd been by: the man who cuts the grass noticed that the power box was missing from the home and holes were punched into the walls about a month ago -- it was suspected as vandalism, but it now seems that the stealthy, directionless demolition company was to blame. The demolition company says it had "paperwork" authorizing the destruction, complete with the coordinates and a description of the home, which the owner's father had built with his own hands "brick by brick.""


Welcome back to part II of the Sunday/Monday Joint. First off this clip is a promo for a Cartoon Network game show called BrainRush. Watch as this kid totally freaks out on a rollercoaster...

Secondly, a rather odd billboard poster from the States..

And finally and to see you off into the week, an old joke:

Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them,"I must tell you all something. We have a case of gonorrhoea in the convent.""Thank God," said an elderly nun at the back."I'm so tired of chardonnay."


Our pick of some of the weeks best pics, videos and jokes. Sorry its a bit late this week, been a busy old weekend, watching certain people run in the rain and entertaining nephews etc. Anyways first off, a bit of geek humour. In case you had your head under a rock this week, Sony announced a rather lacklustre follow up to the PSP at E3 in LA, the PSP Go!. For a breakdown and pics head over to Engadget. Below is said unit, take a good look, seem familiar at all?

Had a good think? Now scroll down..

(via gizmodo)

Secondly, nothing like a bit of uniform panic. It's something that we humans do well I feel, particularly when we have a lack of knowledge on a certain subject..


Sexist? I don't know what you mean..


It goes on a bit too long, but still pretty frackin' funny.. Oh, and if you get bored skip forward and lookout for his t-shirt around the 4 minute mark.


They ruin it for everyone..

(via hahastop.com)

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