Welcome back hope you've enjoyed your Sunday. First off for part two, two of my favourite tweets of the week, see pics below..
Next up, the story of a man who abandoned his wife in an airport toilet, all because she was
taking too long dropping the kids off at the pool. The clincher is they were on their way back from their honeymoon. Now I reckon there's something afoot here, I bet he'd been getting wound up with her throughout the honeymoon and saw it as his 'leggit' opportunity or he'd being having an affair. Go here for the full story (via Digg.com).
And finally for this part and indeed the week, a story about some very strange creatures in the sewer. Personally I think it's viral video marketing for an X Files revival/remake, but there have apparently been found, strange breathing blobs in the sewers beneath Raleigh, North Carolina. 'Tis all very weird, but according to the original story on metro.co.uk an 'expert' by the name of Dr. Timothy S. Wood, who studies freshwater bryozoans, says;
"They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex)... In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other."
Oh well thats ok then Dr Wood! Check the pics and video below..
(via metro.co.uk/buzzfeed.com)
(Via huffingtonpost.com)
That's it, that really is all now..
Have a top week people, see you all soon.
That is all.
*Update*. Just found this after I'd tweeted the post. Anyways right out of Holland, this has to be the most inappropriate advert EVER, surely??
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