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Blog Archive
- Just Plain Weird: The Human Centipede (NSFW)
- The Sunday/Monday Joint Pt II: Man 'arrested' at G...
- The Sunday Joint Pt I: The Matt Damon freakout, St...
- Geek Humour: A Glorious Dawn (Carl Sagan feat. Ste...
- Morning Funnies: Fake head in the bed
- Morning funnies: Twatif? (NSFW)
- Morning funnies: Marack and Bichelle (Your eyes wi...
- Late Night Funnies: Put together my Ikea table.. (...
- Geek Humour: Celebrity Twits
- Old Jokes Home: Old lady at the dentists
- Midday funnies: the best job in the world ever..
- Midday funnies: I want a divorce
- Morning funnies: News Reader slip up
- Morning funnies: Weiner slaps fanny
- Just Plain Weird: 'Cheeky' Robbers (sharp pain in ...
- Just plain weird: Black Stallion
- Midday funnies: Stealing second base
- Midday funnies: Good News, Satanism IS real
- Morning funnies: Chinese mobile phone VERY happy t...
- Morning funnies: Beak Job
- Late night funnies: Funny Facebook likes Pt IV
- Just Plain Weird: Stranger Danger PSA
- Geek Humour: Hammerspace
- Morning funnies: Evil Ken (all it takes is some ba...
- Morning funnies: Funny Facebook likes Pt III
- The Sunday/Monday Joint Pt II: Riverdance Dog, Sto...
- The Sunday Joint Pt I: The worlds most patient cat...
- Old Jokes Home: Mr Duck
- Morning funnies: Sarcastic Protesters
- Morning funnies: Funny Facebook likes Pt II
- Just Plain Weird: Snake With A Foot
- The Empire Strikes Barack
- Morning funnies: Special Delivery, cats in a box
- Morning funnies: Funny Facebook likes
- Morning funnies: Cool science, High voltage Capaci...
- Morning funnies: More Kanye pisstakes
- Morning funnies: You can't hide from HOMO squad
- Morning funnies: Unfortunate email address
- Morning funnies: New Wii Application (NSFW)
- Morning funnies: Cat shower (more morning cuteness...
- Obama Vs Kanye you lie all time mashup
- The Sunday/Monday Joint Pt II: Kanye is a nobber (...
- The Sunday Joint Pt I: Unique 404 error page and C...
- Morning Funnies: Be good peeps...
- Stuck for answers, Ask a crack hoe.. (NSFW)
- Morning funnies: Funniest news blooper ever..
- Morning funnies: You get what you pay for...
- R2D2 as you have NEVER seen him before...
- Pull ups on a crane (insane!)
- Ridiculous cuteness: Cute Baby Tiger is SO TIRED
- Happy 999 day all...
- Bad Captioning: UK and Aus to fight over MJs ashes
- Geek Humour: n00b boyfriend