
Welcome to the Halloween special peeps, a mostly spooky themed edition of The Sunday Joint. First up though, quick announcement(s); As of this week the Sunday Joint will go to one bumper post on a Sunday evening, a review of the week in funnies if you like. This is mostly due to time constraints and wanting to get my digital house in order. It's not you, it's me, please don't be offended ;-). I'm figuring this will give you more to watch on that depressing first break/lunch of a Monday.

Also you may or not have seen the launch of our sister blog, www.thecocknose.com, in this past week and its relentless and admirable battle with the idiots of the world. The main post is once a week on a Sunday calling out the Cocknose of the week with a weekly (Thursday) review of idiocy from around the globe, the week in idiots if you will.

Ok on with the show.

First up, yet another advertising/promotional fail on so many levels. There is nothing better in this world than free and I cannot imagine that product getting any better than free grout.. Or maybe I can..

I've seen many things carved into pumpkins but this one is sure gonna keep those pesky trick or treaters away from the door..

Next up, this spoof of Paranormal Activity is pretty funny. And if your gonna get geeky about it, some nice production values too..

This has been Sky News, please ignore everything you just heard...

And finally for this post, the most evil 'fairy' cakes ever courtesy of @thucydides_uk..

That's all folks have a top week, I will of course see you during but don't do anything I wouuldn't inbetween..

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