
Hi all. Been having a break from it all over the Chrimbo/New Year period. Of course someone made it to to 30 as well. Anyways I am back for the year now, and kicking it off with a big one. Hope you had a good one..

First up, The Persistence of Star Wars...

Next up, you may be well aware that Roomba's, those genius robotic vacuum cleaners, are able to charge themselves once they are out of juice. But only with a docking station. Intel Labs Marvin robot however is about to change that game as it can detect when a wall outlet is nearby, plug itself in and charge itself off of that. Bow down, robot overlords, yada yada...

Next up, a new trend in American prisons, tattooing your eyes, yup you heard. Not your eyelids, not even your eyebrows, your eyes! Now aside from the fact these dudes look like they have been infected with the black oil and not to say that I am against tattooing because ultimately I am not (if done well), you guys are idiots!!!

Tw*t of the Holidays has to go to @lesanto and his rather warped sense of humour. It is great to have you back sir!

Finally, what's wrong with this picture (Hint: read the caption at the bottom)?

That's all folks, have a top week I shall catch you soon.

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