I so forgot to post this earlier, the Hunter S Thompson film The Crazy Never Die. Its a strange little film produced by the infamous Mitchell Brothers giving the viewer front row access to a lecture the good doctor did at a university in the eighties. As lucid as it is intriguing in my opinion (Sourced from Disinfo)...
Morning all. Yup that's right, as the title of this post suggests and the picture above proves, some *genius* at the Texas state fair this year, figured out how to fry beer. No you heard right, no need to double check that last sentence. Insert "only in America/Bloody Yanks/Oh he's picking on the Americans and not the Welsh this week" type comment here...................................
Click on through the break for more funnies...
OK so I totally pilfered this from iheartpatstump (via@rachaelblogs) but what you gonna do, its the interwebs ok!
1)When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3) Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
Afternoon all, hope you've had a good weekend. First off I'd like to say congrats to my good friend Glenn who won this weeks heat of the King of the Decks competition at Ritzy, Lincoln on Friday. Fucking woo hoo!! Gotta say he killed it and the guy that was on after him that dropped three (yup that's all) rather generic D n B tunes clearly didn't. And before I forget, I have to give the guy who we caught trying to moonwalk across the sticky mess that is Ritzys carpet a mention. Of course he failed and then carried on walking normally in a "I hope no one saw that" type manner. Anyhoozle click on through the break for more Sunday mayhem...
Evening all. Welcome to your Sunday dose of funnies. The above stone was found just around the corner from my local. There is a joke in there somewhere. In fact I'm sure there are about 50 odd, so I shall leave it open to you guys. Yup that's right, a caption competion if you will. Answers on a postcard (or more likely through the comments down the bottom there). Best one wins a night with James's Mum (click on through the break for this weeks post)...