Evening all. Welcome to your Sunday dose of funnies. The above stone was found just around the corner from my local. There is a joke in there somewhere. In fact I'm sure there are about 50 odd, so I shall leave it open to you guys. Yup that's right, a caption competion if you will. Answers on a postcard (or more likely through the comments down the bottom there). Best one wins a night with James's Mum (click on through the break for this weeks post)...
First up, Catception. Brilliant...
Superhero fans, like you don't want to see this mashup...
Next up a rather amusing interview between Steve Carell and Zach Galifianakis (you know the fat funny one from the Hangover)...
Welcome to the Hotel Patronising people...
Two wrongs do make a right, apparently...
You see this is why censorship is bad. Or good. Oh god I'm so confused. Good work Yahoo! News...
And finally for today, an old joke...
In 1872 the Welsh invented the condom, using a sheeps bladder. However in 1873 the English somewhat refined the idea by taking the bladder out of the sheep first.
Thats, go home, get off my land etc etc. Have a top week all...
1 Response to The Sunday Joint: The 'Luke, I am Batman' Edition
How did I miss you Welsh bashing again ;)
Just you wait until I kidnap you Wilson...just you wait!!
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