Aug-06- 2010

Morning all. Yup thats right. The lovely Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame (I'll Hermione her Granger *snigger*) has had all of her hair chopped off. And as you can see from the picture above, she is ultra smoking now...

In other news, I had a blog post to write. Oh yeah. So #FridayDrinks, Lincolns informal meet up of Twitter folk is 1 years old today. We wear big boys pants these days and everyfink. The do itself will be at the Adam and Eve, so if you're in Lincoln and on Twitter I suggest you head up to the Adam from about 7:30. In the meantime click on through the break for your dose of Friday Funnies (or stay here and stare at the picture of Emma for hours like I didn't do last night)...

Not much to say about this one except you gotta keep an eye on those deer...

Next up, unless you've had your head under a rock for the past year or so, you will be aware of location based 'services' (read: games) such as FourSquare and Gowalla. Essentially you check into real life places around your area becoming Mayor of Starbucks/B&Q/The Spastics Society shop as you rack up points in the game. Well I always wondered if the following was possible. And yes I'm glad to tell you, it is...

(via the genius @disklabs)
I don't think this girl was expecting to get this high. Still want a go mind...

The Peckham Terminator (Jump to the 2:45 mark and keep watching...

Just in case you've not seen it yet...

Quick biology lesson anyone, from the most boring person on the internet (NSFW)?

Finally, you would think that the copy department would've picked this one up but thankfully for this blogger they didn't. I give you the pre-release poster for Yogi Bear 3D...

Have a top weekend all, see you around!

1 Response to Friday Funnies: The 'Your Mum' Edition

6 August 2010 at 09:03

Briliant post Pip seriously, laughed at all the vids (except the foreskin one, I couldn't bring myself to watch that one so early).
I can't believe that boy on the bus!!!!!

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