
This is just very weird, I dunno where these guys get their ideas. Basically an underground horror flick pushing the boundries in freaking gross, this is the story of a doctor who attaches people together, head-to-ass, to form a chain hence the Human Centipede.. 'Scuse me while I'm sick, a lot...


Ok welcome back peeps. Hows the start of your week? First off this is less funny, more shite scary (if its real). I could see something like this being quite easy to stage but watch and decide for yourself. Basically this man is being arrested by unidentified military personal at the recent G20 summit in Pittsburgh, X Files anyone?

Next up, be aware that there are all sorts of weirdos online, one of those being @Thucydides_uk...

And next up, a 'job' for your unemployed mouth...

And lastly for this part and the week, the New York high five cyclist..

Cheers all, have a top week, you know where to find me if you need me!


Morning all, hope your having a good weekend.. First up this week, the Matt Damon freakout. There has been loads of noise saying that this is fake, either way its here for you to decide. Plus its always fun when celebrities lose it!

Website of the week

This weeks Website of the Week goes to the tone generator. A simple yet brilliant flash based 16 beat sequencer. Once you've mastered it move on to the 'audio tools', this has drum/bass machines as well as a variety of digital effects. Sooooo much fun and soooo addictive, go here >> http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix

And in the hot news this week, Stevie Wonder has finally joined Twitter..

And finally for this part, an open letter to Lily Allen. In case you've had your had your head in the sand this past week or so Miss Allen has quit music (what before she even started as one of my mates put it!) over the whole file sharing argument. To me it is very hypocritical when you take into account www.lilyallenmusic.com and as the song says the way in which she marketed herself in the beginning. Anyways, enjoy this (Lyrics by Dan Bull)...

Have a great day peeps see you when I'm looking through your bedroom window...


An autotune tribute to the genius of Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, remixed by Cosmos. In all seriousness and taking into account the genius that is Auto Tune the News I think we have found a genuine use for auto tune in comedy. It makes me laugh everytime!


This is a slow burner but well worth it, you can totally see what's coming as well, but still, well worth it. Funny shiz indeed. Oh and can you not tell my girlfriend about this as I wanna try it on her. Oh...

EMBED-Girlfriend Scared by Fake Head in Bed - Watch more free videos


A little geek humour to get you going this morning, life, 140 characters @ a time...

(via zeeeemoga)


In possibly one of the creepiest pictures I have ever seen, Marack and Bichelle???


You know you would if you could, don't try and tell me you wouldn't. I like how she admits she is "..totally serviceable.".. ROFL!!


So The Washington Post is running a series of celebrity twits read by regular Joes, Lindsey is the best one mind...


An old lady goes to the dentist, sits on the chair,
lowers her panties and lifts her legs up.
The dentist says "I'm sorry, but I'm not a gynecologist.
The old lady says "I know, I want you to
take my husband's teeth out".

(via popbitch.com)


Say what you like about her music but Katy Perry's boobs, MMMMnnnnnnn! What a spawny bastard!!


Taken from TheChive.com and their article on cakes for awkward situations this would have to be the ultimate 'awkward moment'...


This IS just fucking weird! Apparently Ying Shi was mugged in Shanghai and left with some quite severe injuries you might say. Her doctors only got to the bottom of it (sorry!) 4 months later after taking an x ray. Now before you look at the x ray, ask yourself how would I not notice something like this????

All I remember of the night was a stabbing pain in my backside. I thought they had just slashed me, I didn't realise the whole blade had gone all the way in,' she said.

(via metro.co.uk original article here)


This is just weird. I don't know what this is or who put it out there but some people will do anything for fun..


There seems to be a trend at the moment for funny breast cancer ads, check this...


Is that a mobile phone in your pocket or is your mobile phone pleased to see me??


Ever wondered what kind of noise a bird would make if it deep-throated your finger? Well wonder no more...


Alright tranny can mean lots of different things, but in this context this guy shoulda' known better..


So the basic message is, wrap your kids in cotton wool, don't let them speak to anyone and be suspicious of anyone asking for batteries! Oh and isn't that the son from the US TV show the Fall Guy dressed up as the cop??


See what happens when scientists get bored..


All I need to do is grow a 'tache and I'm evil?? Why didn't anyone tell me??


What an idiot! And what a pathetic goatee! Try harder loser!!


Afternoon all. Well what a beautiful day it was yesterday, almost like the end of summer should be.. Anyhoozle lets kick it off with Riverdance Dog. Now why would you either train your dog to dance like Michael fucking Flatley OR allow him to do such but anyways...

Next up, Stormtrooper 9/11.. Where were you when the Deathstar fell?

And finally for this part and the week, Fat Kid Pwnd by fridge. All he wanted to do was play hide and seek, And he had the best spot, until.. ROFL!

That's it for this week, have a good one and I will see you soon...


Morning all, hope your Sunday morning is nice and easy. First off this week, the worlds most patient cat. Also possibly the worlds biggest cat..

Website of the week
A new feature for the Sunday Joint, this weeks website of the week has to be http://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/. Does exactly what it says on the tin and no more. Which is nice..

Time for a quick picture break, there is always hope..

Tw*t of the week
Yet another new feature in the ever expanding magazine of useless information that is The Sunday Joint, every week I will post my favourite tweet from that week. First one goes to the fantastic @baby_fat_head. If your on Twitter and don't follow him already then your a loser, fact! To see the tweet in all its glory go here..

Next up, fully sick pump truck trick. I used to work in a warehouse and thought I was fairly good on these things.. Nowhere near as good as this guy..

What do you mean, is that it? Yes it is, for now..


Old Jokes Home:
Mr Duck is entertaining a prostitute in his hotel
room, when he realises he doesn't have any
protection. He phones down to reception and asks
for a condom. "Certainly, Sir", comes a reply,
"Shall I put that on your bill?"

"No!" replied the duck, "What do you think I
am, a bloody pervert?"

(via Popbitch.com)


There seems to have been a lot of these doing the rounds recently, but spot the odd protester out..


Put down whatever you may be eating people, this is very strange. A snake has been discovered in China with a single foot complete with tallons. Freaking creepy if you ask me.

"I woke up and heard a strange scratching sound. I turned on the light and saw this monster working its way along the wall using his claw," said Mrs Duan of Suining, southwest China.
She apparently then beat it to death with a shoe and then preserved the poor things body in a bottle of alcohol. Check this...

(via buzzfeed.com, original story from the telegraph.co.uk)


Taken on the Whitehouse lawn as part of a campaign for Chicagos bid for the 2016 Olympics, this photo proves Barack is a nerd.. What the Olympics has to do with Star Wars I will never know, but a competition has started over at Buzzfeed.com to see who can 'Shop the best picture.  Here's the original...

And here is the best of the 'Shop-ped pics...

(via Buzzfeed.com original article from Gawker.com)


Those crazy Japanese, next it'll be pets from vending machines (gratuitous cuteness follows)..

(via the fantastically hot Veronica Belmont, oh Veronica when will you have my babies?)


Well if you will post such a thing on an open social network, then yes boys will be boys...


Ok this IS the last time I will post on this but this is too damn funny (and kinda sick)...

(via @elizabethfish for loads more pics go herre)


They're coming for you, they know all your dirty secrets, you can't hide from HOMO squad..


This girl hasn't given a personal description yet, can't think why..


Ladies and Gents, Nintendos latest application of their motion sensing tech, Wii Animal Husbandry


I thought cats hated water. In fact an old cat hater friend of mine once told me that if you throw a cat at a bath, no matter what, it will not touch the water. When I pushed the evil bastard as to how he knew this, he simply said, "I read it on the internet, somewhere..". Its a catch all excuse. Anyways apparently this cat loves the water, get this...


Happy Monday all, hope you've had a top weekend and the start to the week is not too harsh. First up we ask, had a bit too much gak Kanye? At the VMA awards recently Mr West decided it would be a great idea to interupt Taylor Swifts acceptance speech to say this..
So a while back Lindsey Lohen posted her phone number on her 'secret' facebook profile (why one asks?). Some genius then guessed her voicemail password, giving us this..

Lindsay Lohan Voicemails from ANIMALnewyork.com on Vimeo.

And finally for this week, parents on Facebook, and why you should double check it definitely is your offspring before having a go... (click on image for full size version)
Thats all folks, have a top week!


Morning all, hope your having a good weekend. First off this week, feel the 404-ce...

Next up Whitney Houstons crack moment on Diane Sawyer from 2002. She has an interview on Oprah coming up soon, lets see if 7 years have straightened her out...

Thats all for now folks, catch you on the flip side..


This video is soooo NSFW, so don't even think about playing it on your work machine! Confused by life? Stuck for clarification on something? Need the kind of clear headed thinking that only crack can bring? Then ask the internets craziest sensation Propecia (RIP)..

"You don't want the motherfucker back, go get you some dope biatch!"

Wise words indeed!


Not so much of a blooper more of a good edit combined with some wrongly placed words, it is shocking what the BBC put their news readers through these days..

(via asylum.com)


WTF!? $2? For a shit? No wonder the American economy has gone out the window...


WTF?! If anyone can let me know what this is from I would be most grateful and possibly a little less disturbed.. This is SOOOoooo not the droid I was looking for..


Imagine, say, if you dropped your iPhone from such a height..?

Extreme videos


This not so big cat is very tired, oh so very tired. WARNING: Ridiculous cuteness ensues..


Its been the year for this kind of thing what with 12345 day earlier on in the year etc. But in case your head is stuck in the sand it is in fact 9/9/09 today and just to celebrate we found you a special video..


We love bad captioning over here at the 'Giraffe, especially when its this bad..

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