
Late posting today I know, but what can I say? When you have a busy life like I do you just have to make do! Oh and by the way almost non of this weeks post is safe for work, suffer! First up this football fan is really pleased his team won..

Website of the Week
I love sites that do exactly what they say, which is why I've put cakefarts.com up as WotW this week..

Next up, the awesome comedy hip hop stylings of the WTF Collective, featuring, amongst others, MC Insecure, MC Confusing & MC Amnesia (What's my name?!?). This ones for you Master Draper..

Tw*t of the Week
This weeks TotW comes from the oh so voyeuristic @shhdontellsteveBasically a guy spies on his flatmate Steve, and then tweets it for our pleasure... Kinda wrong but I gotta say I have been laughing!

And finally I have no idea what these people are talking about, but I do love it when people get needlessly angry.. A fight breaks out on a San Francisco bus, oh how I love the general public..

Take care all, see you on the darkside..

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