
Morning all, hope your having a top lazy Sunday. First off a shout out to the #FridayDrinks crew for another top evening. It was great to some old friends as well as meet new faces. Also I was interviewed by @lesanto for media140.org on my use of Twitter. Keep your eye on the FridayDrinks blog for a rundown of the eve and details of the next event.

Anyways on with this weeks post, first up the top 100 YouTube moments in 2:47...

Website of the Week
Ok in a pickle over your expenses? Shitting yourself in case your boss sees your receipts? Then feel free to use this weeks WoW, the expense-a-steak.

A bit of research, thats all it takes, and then you can stop making a tit out of yourself and the newspaper you work for!

Eric Spiegelman took 130 photos from a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and made a video… of the president's ROBOT SMILE!!!!

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

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