
So if you remember sometime ago, Microsoft announced that they were partnering with the rather funny, if somewhat close to the bone, Family Guy to promote the launch of Windows 7. After M$ realised they were hardly suited bedfellows, they pulled out of the deal. However M$ has released some of the videos on their Youtube channel. Watch and don't ever say I don't do anything for you guys. Be aware these are kinda lame...

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Evening all, late one today. Hope you've had a good weekend. As always BIIIIGGG shouts to the Lincoln Tweeps at #FridayDrinks, twas a top night with a good turn out with some new faces also. Anyhoozle, on with todays post. This first picture easily gets tw*t of the week...

Next up, check what happens when a Mini Van inadvertently takes on a wrecking ball, ca-runch!!

Website of the Week has to go to 27b/6 and the rather hilarious David Thorne. Just click on the link and read his email exchanges. They are brilliant, just like his Pie Charts...

Lastly this week, The Star Trek A-Team. Yup, you heard, you can thank me later..

Thats it y'all, have a good week, speak to you soon...

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Well, I did warn you in the title of this post...

Anyhoozle, anyone check the PS22 Chorus and their (hate to be a bitch about it but, a little early, but rather awesome) welcoming in of the silly season?? No, well thats why I'm here. Ladies and Gents, singing a rather fantastic rendition of Run This Town by Jay-Z, the PS22 Chorus...

Ok, now I did warn you I would mess with your head. This next guy, he's like a toilet humour Banksy. He hi-jacks billboards. Ladies and Gents I give you, the Defecator!

Have a top weekend all, don't forget #FridayDrinks tonight, if your in the fair city of Lincoln do pop in and say hello... If you'd like to complain about me or my shit blog press the following button and tell your friends...
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Its the return of the morning funnies, renamed the daily funnies and all in one post. Gees I'm good to you guys...

Novel to say the least..

Save the Children AND get a free lap dance?? Tell me where....

Finally for the day, I <3 the muppets, always have. If you don't then your just plain weird. This involved over 70 of them including Animal; its so good to see the guys at Muppet Studios still hard at it. Anyhoozle get this...

Have a top Thursday all, and don't forget to tell your friends/share the love with the 'share' button below... K, tx, bye...

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Ok so this tune picked me up out of the duldrums and took me back to my days of Dubweiser and burning it up on the dancefloor of 'Cubes. If you don't like Drum and Bass, give this a chance, its a real grower and not your usual samey beats and bass...

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Hi all, sorry no posts over the past couple of days but there really has been nothing too funny about. I don't want to post for the sake of posting after all. Anyways check out this rather awesome little video of internet superstar Jonathan Coulton on his recent UK tour...

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Evening all. Sorry I'm late with this post, I was out on a #twalk with the tweet master, @lesanto. "Whats a #twalk?", I hear you ask. Why a twitter walk with photos, text and audio of course: A virtual tour of our fair city. Anyways, here's this weeks post.

Ever wish you had a giant hamster ball to play in?? On a canal in Amsterdam??

Next up, Fox News 'gets a pair'...

Ever wondered why Ronald McDonald is smiling so hard?

Next up, this guy had pineapples for sale. And they're fresh, alright!

That Sarah Palins a real popular lady, take a look at this..

And finally for the week, a little but geeky but hey its chic to be geek right? Ever wondered what the earth would look like if it had Saturn type rings around it??

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Morning all, and welcome to this weeks Friday Funnies, the 280th post on this very blog. In a wild week where we've been blown from pillar to post here in the UK, I feel it only right that I post this awesome video that appeared at the beginning of the week...

Next up, thinking about going on holiday? Well what about the Dagobah system??

Next up, look at this picture closely, it takes a while to 'see' what your looking at. But when you do its oh so cool!

Finally this week and just to get a teensy bit serious, it was leaked yesterday (via boingboing.net) that the UK government plans to create what has been dubbed the 'Pirate Finder General'. This is bad news for anyone who enjoys the freedoms and open sharing of information that the internet permits. And no I'm not talking about stealing music and films. This goes far deeper and effectively kills any hope of sharing links on twitter because a news article is copyrighted, for example. This will affect entire family's because one person in that family transferred a copyrighted, legally obtained video file via the internet to a friend overseas. Suffice to say I believe the old school media machine along with the government need to implement reform and embrace what is happening in front of them rather than over legislate and run and hide from the problem. Essentially cos they have a few pounds less in their over sized bank accounts. Anyway Cory Doctorow said it wayyyy better then me, go read his article. Free the data/Share your knowledge! Make your voice known, this could effectively kill the internet as we know it peeps. Go shout at Mandy Pandy here...

Anyways have a good rest of Friday going into Saturday, we shall see you Sunday!

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Photoshop malfunction or are times that tight in the Kutcher/Moore household...

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Gawwd this is soooo bad its actually good. Love it when he throws his Green Day cd at the wall and it actually sticks in it. All because he found God in a mysterious filofax that fell from the sky...

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But what Danny, what are you hiding? This clip is from a Christian childrens show called Quigleys Village, and there is something a bit odd about it. Can't quite place my finger on it..

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"..Times moving too slow, I think I'm dead!"

(via NDB)
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We've featured Molly Lewis and her lovely sweet voice and her sweet little songs about social networking here before on the Giraffe, but now she's teamed up with pomplamoose to do a video song version of Poker Face. Basically what you see, is what you hear..


Morning all, how was your Friday/Saturday? Good I hope. Its a packed one this week so straight on with the magic.

Tsk, tsk Lindsay what are you up to now??

Next up, I couldn't help but post this one not because its funny, just because its amazing. Ironically this particular species is known as Smalleye and is the largest of all stingray. Yeah, its eye is the size of my fist! Spotted off the coast of Mozambique, this is the first time ever the beast has been caught on film.

Tw*t of the Week has to go to whichever wiseguy hacked Britneys Twitter account..

We're building up quite a collection of these awesome PSAs from the States. To be honest I find this next video far scarier than "..A punk rocker sitting around drinking beer all day in a vacant lot." kid. Make sure you stick around for the "codeword", just priceless..

Website of the Week this week goes to It Made My Day. Consisting of twitter like snippets of funny moments from peoples lives, as it says in the tag line, Little Moments of WIN. This website is guaranteed to make you smile, you mardy bastard..

And finally for this week, Prank Wars 8, the skydiving prank. Mean and possibly a little bit dangerous, the best bit is easily when he pulls the fake ripcord...

Thanks for reading y'all, don't forget to keep an eye on thecocknose.com for the cocknose of the week, coming later today.

Have a top week all!


Gees the kids will make a move out of anything these days...

Ok so you live in a block of flats, opposite a known 'crack corner' and you have a laser pen. Seems pretty simple to me, what comes next...

Next up, its an oldie but a goodie, picked up during my time in Australia from the Ronnie Johns Half Hour, I give you Chopper Reids Heimlich Maneuver..

And finally for this post, Rafeal Benitez is a wizard (you will need to click the link, for some reason blogger is rubbish at hosting animated GIFs). Have a good Friday & a top weekend y'all, see you Sunday for The Sunday Joint.


Yes even I can be serious sometimes. After all people died so I could have the freedom to mess around on my blogs, in memoriam...


This will so get you geared up for the day. Anybody that knows me knows I love my electro (as in proper electro, not this nancy club stuff!) as well as my old school hip hop. The acid basslines that rumble like bad farts, the sparse beats, the futuristic sounds. This is soooo cool, plus watch the freak dance, its ace...


What  I want to know is if/where this car stopped, watch...


And here was me thinking Mormons were quite boring. Taken from the Telegraphs feature on bizarre 2010 calenders available now, you know you ain't saying no to her muffins no matter what her religion.


Just in case you thought you saw it too, but then discounted it cos that'd be a bit crazy wouldn't it, yes Louie did flip the audience off on X-Craptor last night. Look here's the proof..


Morning all, and welcome to our round up of the weeks funnies direct from the hood. Well St Albans anyway. First off, your neighbours can hear you, be warned..

Next, some remnants of Halloween, Pumpkinhead..

(via @rpwilson)

Gotta love it when women cat fight. Even better when they're playing football..

Website of the Week has to go to Mighty Optical Illusions, for its continual blurring of the line between art and illusion. Filled to the brim with real life illusions this ones guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours. Be sure you click on the random illusion button. Oh and try and spot the woman below...

Just speechless at this, could not stop laughing...

Finally this week, a special treat for anyone that grew up in the 70s/80s, The Golden Age of Video by Ricardo Autobahn (for a breakdown of who sings what head over to DavidGlover.org). This is the best thing I have seen on youtube in ages, enjoy. These are not the droids you are looking for..

(via slipknotskate1)

Cheers all hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and Mondays not too harsh.


I very nearly cried when I saw this, just toooo funny! #FridayDrinks see you all on the dark side!! (apologies for the non post)


Ok so if The Sunday Joint is going to one post on a Sunday evening, then Friday Funnies should definitely shrink to one easily accessible post on a Friday morn. For your convenience of course...

I know I'm a child, no need to tell me..

Next up, this might be David Blaine, then again its probably not. Fucking hilarious!!

And lastly the Old Jokes Home:

Q. What's the fastest thing on land?

A. Stevie Wonders speed boat

Have a good Friday all and a top weekend, see you on Sunday..


Nearly forgot to mention this but today is of course, Flux Capacitor Day as well as Bonfire Night here in the UK. November 5th 1955 was the day Doc Brown fell off his bog and hit his head giving him the idea for the Flux Capacitor..


Yeah this is gross, but check out the cows face at the end, it's so like, "If you ever tell anyone you caught me doing that, I'll come over to your house and trample your mother!"


Little bit of geek humour, and you would. Oh yeah, I know you would...

Speaking of geek humour has anyone checked out the 10 neat facts about Google post over at Neatorama.com?


So if you havn't seen the US version of the office yet 1) your not gonna get this 2) where the fuck have you been??


Now I've picked myself up off of the floor laughing, I can post this... Gees this is funny...


Q. What has a nine volt battery and a woman's arsehole got in common?

A. You know it's wrong but eventually you are going to touch it with your tongue.

(via @Wilson_Matthew)


Since I started this blog nearly a year ago now, it has come to my attention that some people just leave themselves open for this shit...


One word here, unlucky! Its when the guys start climbing at the end makes you realise how big a mess he made..


Welcome to the Halloween special peeps, a mostly spooky themed edition of The Sunday Joint. First up though, quick announcement(s); As of this week the Sunday Joint will go to one bumper post on a Sunday evening, a review of the week in funnies if you like. This is mostly due to time constraints and wanting to get my digital house in order. It's not you, it's me, please don't be offended ;-). I'm figuring this will give you more to watch on that depressing first break/lunch of a Monday.

Also you may or not have seen the launch of our sister blog, www.thecocknose.com, in this past week and its relentless and admirable battle with the idiots of the world. The main post is once a week on a Sunday calling out the Cocknose of the week with a weekly (Thursday) review of idiocy from around the globe, the week in idiots if you will.

Ok on with the show.

First up, yet another advertising/promotional fail on so many levels. There is nothing better in this world than free and I cannot imagine that product getting any better than free grout.. Or maybe I can..

I've seen many things carved into pumpkins but this one is sure gonna keep those pesky trick or treaters away from the door..

Next up, this spoof of Paranormal Activity is pretty funny. And if your gonna get geeky about it, some nice production values too..

This has been Sky News, please ignore everything you just heard...

And finally for this post, the most evil 'fairy' cakes ever courtesy of @thucydides_uk..

That's all folks have a top week, I will of course see you during but don't do anything I wouuldn't inbetween..

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