Morning all. Friday it is then *woop*. First up, and if you didn't know, thegrainsilo industries have launched our sister blog this week, 'Avin A Giraffe: Diggin' in the Crates. Basically this will be dedicated to the plethora of music, new and old, available all over the tubes. We have our very own resident DJ in GeeGeeDubya, posts on artists new and old, local and international, plus an upcoming podcast and *fingers crossed* a permanent feature on 60s psych rock. So yeah, go check it out mo fos!
On with this show. First up I have to say I have been very restrained on the whole iTampon jokes, but this one really made me laugh. I knew Steve was nicking his ideas from somewhere.
Next up, a mate of mine (no names of course) introduced me to a website called omegle.com recently. The point of it is, you talk to strangers. The temptation to scare people of course is huge...
And finally for today, Bell, Biv, Dafoe..
Thats it folks, back to work. Don't forget its Lincolns #FridayDrinks this evening. If your on Twitter and in Lincoln feel free to pop along. Also its the Back to Mono Sixties night at Scy on Mint Lane, I believe it starts at 10. I will be at one and then the other so feel free to stalk me if you must. Have a top weekend all, I shall see you on Sunday.
2 Response to Friday Funnies: The 'I like when people talk to strangers' edition
Yeah I rock!
Actually I think Dafoe rocks harder, but as you're closer you will have to do...
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