Ahhhhaa, here I am! You thought I disappeared off the face of the earth, right? Or not. Ok on with the show..
Happy ValenGuys Day bros!
Next up, like a South African GLC with hints of Ali G, if you havn't seen these videos already check 'em out, they really are very funny. Anyhoozle, an interview with the awesome Die Antwoord..
Now this next one is more shocking than anything else and VERY nsfw, but come hear right wing American politician, Nancy Elliott, prattle on and get herself into some extreme hot water over the repeal of same sex marriage in New Hampshire. Just scary!
There seems to be a really cool trend on the interwebz at the moment for old school animations and this has to be one of my favourites. A Brief History of Everything in Flipbook Form, by art student Jamie Bell..
This is the final piece for my AS art course, a flipbook made entirely out of biro pens. It’s something like 2100 pages long, and about 50 jotter books. I’d say I worked on and off it for roughly 3 weeks.
Finally for the day, a little bit of geek humour. Google this week launched a new social addition to Gmail called Buzz.Its kinda like FriendFeed but with some location based features. Anyways you'll either get this next cartoon, or you won't. Have a top rest of day and I will of course catch you during the week...
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