
Morning all. First up you would regret this, I know you would...

Never one to be seen as a sore loser, James Cameron congratulates Kathryn Bigelow at the recent Oscars...

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Next up a rather ace little film shot entirely using a flatbed scanner, Memoirs of a Scanner. Kinda like The Office, from the view of the scanner...

Finally for today it really is scary what you do with some sellotape and a bit of make up...

4 Response to Daily Funnies: The 'Sex Regrets' Edition

9 March 2010 at 10:40

Seriously what kind of woman would even contemplate shagging someone who wore a darth vadar mask in the first place? He should’ve said that line mainly so she had something else to laugh at him about over wine with her mates.

Secondly, the girl in the Michael Jackson video is a) creepy and b) incredibly stupid. She didn’t really think it through did she? Because when she removes that tape from her eye brows she’ll have great big “waxed” strips.

9 March 2010 at 11:39

Is this a flame war? On my blog? How cool!

Regina Flangebag
9 March 2010 at 12:12

What a fun little video of scanning, shame it wasn’t done in my office. Although that would’ve involved a lot more flesh and debauchery than your find. Photocopier glass really isn’t as strong as one might think.

I think you should also rename the Michael Jackson girl, it’s not scary as much as it is an improvement.

9 March 2010 at 13:06

Hiding behind a fake name is possibly worse Miss Flangebag

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