Morning all, good weekend? Of course #FridayDrinks was a top night see fridaydrinks.info for all the deets...
First up remember that skype sponsored project I covered recently? With the five artists around the world? You call them on skype, give them a message for someone and they interpret it how they see fit. Well this has to be the harshest one yet...
Next up, ever wonder exactly how a film gets its rating. This'll fill you in...
Barack Obama as class clown. Well he is the most powerful man in the world he's gotta let it out somewhere...
5 Response to The Sunday Joint: The 'I came' edition
There's always a new novel way to dump someone, I quite like that though, the setting means you couldn't possibly be pissed off (that's not an idea for you btw Pip!)
Also Barak, I didn't know you had a hot line direct to the president, I think we all know that's a very YOU thing to do!
Yup, all his best jokes he got from me. I don't mind we have an agreement...
You're obsessed with Lady GaGa, you need some form of GAGA rehab.
Probably true, its getting a bit 'Midsommer Murders'
One day you'll come around to the joy that's Midsomer, really, you put Jason Hughes in a blog and you'll find you'll get hits everyday, he's already been searched this morning on mine, it's a people pleaser I tell you!
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