
Morning all, good weekend? Of course #FridayDrinks was a top night see fridaydrinks.info for all the deets...

First up remember that skype sponsored project I covered recently? With the five artists around the world? You call them on skype, give them a message for someone and they interpret it how they see fit. Well this has to be the harshest one yet...

Next up, ever wonder exactly how a film gets its rating. This'll fill you in...

Barack Obama as class clown. Well he is the most powerful man in the world he's gotta let it out somewhere...

Oh I love a good fight on camera...

I know how he feels...

Next up, pick two from the below triangle. Really not as easy as it sounds.

And finally for the day, Lady Gaga in Wonderland, awesome sauce!

Thats it y'all have a brill rest of and I will see you in the week.

5 Response to The Sunday Joint: The 'I came' edition

7 March 2010 at 10:40

There's always a new novel way to dump someone, I quite like that though, the setting means you couldn't possibly be pissed off (that's not an idea for you btw Pip!)

Also Barak, I didn't know you had a hot line direct to the president, I think we all know that's a very YOU thing to do!

7 March 2010 at 10:53

Yup, all his best jokes he got from me. I don't mind we have an agreement...

7 March 2010 at 11:06

You're obsessed with Lady GaGa, you need some form of GAGA rehab.

7 March 2010 at 11:08

Probably true, its getting a bit 'Midsommer Murders'

7 March 2010 at 11:39

One day you'll come around to the joy that's Midsomer, really, you put Jason Hughes in a blog and you'll find you'll get hits everyday, he's already been searched this morning on mine, it's a people pleaser I tell you!

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