While there is a certain argument that suggests this has nothing to do with politics, to us it's a bit too much of a coincidence. Ever since google earth has been available to the general public, you have never been able to get a shot of the White House from above. Or rather you can, but it has been 'fuzzed'. Merely two days before the great mans inauguration, you can suddenly see the White House from above. Google puts this down to a change in the agency supplying the pictures, the first (U.S. Geological, a government agency) over to the second (Digital Globe, a private company). We'll leave it to you to decide. Full article courtesy of the man, Rafe Needleman over at Cnets webware...

Fresh from this weeks popbitch..
"Dr, would you kiss me?" says the patient.
"No", says the doctor. "You are a very beautiful
woman but it's against my code of ethics.
"Please, just one kiss", she asks again.
"It's totally out of the question" he replies.
"Strictly speaking you shouldn't even be sucking my cock."
A 96 year old man goes into a chemist and asks for viagra. The elderly man then requests that each tablet be cut up into quarters. The pharmacist says 'sure i can do that, but you realise a quarter won't give you a full erection?' the old man replies 'i'm 96 i'm too old for that game. I just want them to work a bit so i don't piss on my slippers.'
(Via MB)
This guy has built the worlds longest motorbike and is seen here riding it. Kinda pointless but funny all the same. Thanks to William Wright# for the heads up on this one. Oh and he's from Lincolnshire. Come marvel at what we do to pass the time in the sticks...
To be honest, it does all sound a little bit X-Files with some Clockwork Orange thrown in for good measure but do bear in mind that the Japanese are already using RFID (embedded in mobile phones) to pay for their McDonalds. How long before you have a chip that knows how far away from home you are and sets the lights/shower/heating accordingly? It is well within the realms of possibility already. The point is, it's very interesting to see the US government talk so openly about new technology. Bring on the future I say!
We've all done it and it is easy to do. This site will never be a political soapbox but this series is our tribute to possibly one of the biggest idiots in history.
"Information is moving. You know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets."
Washington DC, 2 May, 2007
Australian Police have apprehended a 23 year old man who has been charged with four counts of breaking and entering the Laneway Adult Shop in Cairns Australia. While inside the man would get a hold of a blow-up sex doll named “Jungle Jane,” take it out to the back alley and have sex with it. He would clean himself up after, but leave the dolls in the alleyway. Police have even conducted DNA samples from the dolls. Though the man is unidentified, the man police arrested resided in the suburb of Manunda. (via yeahthatsodd.com)
From Cnet News, a story on how Boeing recently shot down an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) using a HumVee mounted laser. Quite impressive for a fast moving target. Although I'm with Paul Miller over at Engadget when he says, "Of course, once the robots get lasers, we're all done for!" - Boeing: We zapped a UAV with a laser
A San Francisco investment banker with quite a history of DUIs was out driving on January 11th 2005 when he hit, and killed 55-year-old Gurdeep Kaur. Lee Harbert, the driver fled the scene. The story that Mr Herbert stuck to was that he hit a deer. Releasing him from the need to stop and assist with whatever he had just ran over. Originally police reports were for a burgundy Jaguar, and Lee’s was black. No way it could have been him. Police later searched his house and computer. They searched his recent queries in Google and found these recent search terms: “auto parts, auto dealers out-of-state; auto glass, Las Vegas; auto glass reporting requirements to law enforcement, auto theft.” The one that did him in, was this gem, “hit-and-run” which he followed to a website that had the news story on the hit-and-run he committed. Convicted, and later sentenced to three years in prison. Harbert attempted to appeal just last week, but was denied. (via yeahthatsodd.com)
T-Shirt found on sale in Japan.. Funny, I always thought I had gotten away with it via caseywright#
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