
From the reborn as porn photoshop challenge over at b3ta.com, here's three of the best film posters 'shopped into porn films..


Remember Jem, the rubbish cartoon about a female moralistic rock star??..


As the mighty ColdCut put it, what you see is what you hear..


So its been away a while but we're back now...

There was a blind prostitute in our town. You really had to hand it to her.
(via @alantshearer)


If you can't have a sense of humour in death when the hell can you. Picked from buzzfeed.com's 35 awesome tombstones, here are two of the funniest..


This has to be the scariest halloween mask I have ever seen (available on Ebay)..


This came about last week but for those that haven't seen it yet, more reality mashup excellence from cassetteboy..


Evening all, running behind today, hence the lateness. Hope all is well, today is a bumper edition cos I won't have time to do a Monday Joint this week, first up stirring up sentiment in freshwater..

Next up, how to roar like Chewbacca. You know that if your a geek and worth your salt you'll have this down by this time next week...

Website of the Week
This weeks WotW has to go to the fabulous cargorack.co.uk for taking the phrase, 'Keeping the customer happy' just one step too far. And just in case you think I 'shopped this, here's the original link..

Ok next up, and just cos I'm a big kid at heart, pictures were released this week of the new A Team movie. Gotta say just from this one shot, this looks amazing I just hope it is...

Next up, more alternative motivational posters. I really like this one..

And finally for this post and the week, improv everywhere the ace improvisation group drop a number in a supermarket in Queens, NYC..

That's it all, have a top week, remember don't let the bastards grind you down..


I <3 my tweeps, especialy @fyreflye, cos shes lurvely! ;-)

RT @fyreflye RT @iantalbot: My wife apparently wanders the streets of London looking for images like this... http://bit.ly/33nKBf rofl!

 (via @iantalbot)


Gotta say I've played loads of GTA and often fantasised about doing this but NEVER actually done it...


We all know Facebooks advertising is pretty terrible (as well as badly placed) but these two really take the biscuit..


Kids always read the bottle before using a new shower product...

Most Excruciatingly Painful Embarrasing Day of this kid's life from Complexions on Vimeo.
This father always told his son to read the labels of anything he eats or uses that is questionable, but does he listen? To his mortifying shame, this lesson will go down in infamy.


Geez, I hope you've eaten already cos this will put you off your breakfast. This guy gets caught on camera doing the one thing you probably wouldn't wanna get caught on camera doing..


Call me sexist, I don't care it's time us blokes fought back anyways...

(via the social media whore himself @TFGRobFletcher)


An awesome cover of LCD Soundsystems Someone Great using only a cello and a loop pedal, freakin' awesome...


This guy gets away by the skin of his teeth and I'm not even kidding..


Evenin' all. Hope your Sunday is good, here's a few things to see you through to Monday laughing.. First up from onzin.com, and there picture list of 25 defaced dollar bills, this in my eyes is the funniest..

Next up, should you use Comic Sans, the infamous shit font. Well I know the answer, do you?? Here's a little flow chart to help you decide..

And finally for this part, optical illusion, UFO or the end of the world? You decide.. This was apparently spotted over the sky's of Moscow recently..

Thats it y'all, just to say keep your eye on this page and pipwilson.org, there will be some big news this week at some stage...


Morning all and welcome to your Sunday. First up, a genuine set of DS games from Imagine, A division of Ubisoft. I do feel the obvious titles 'Imagine: Obedient Lady Wife' and 'Imagine: Chained to the Kitchen Sink' are missing...

Website of the Week
This weeks WotW is a corker of a time waster, as well as being highly informative, especially if your looking for something to do. Pull the lever peeps, over at showoffbook.com..

Ok next up, and this one is not for the faint of heart and (serious now) is quite shocking. We all know how the Japanese have a thing for weird gameshows etc, cultural fact. Well this next video takes it one step too far I feel. Basically a guy is set up to believe that a sniper is attacking him and his co-workers during a meeting, in incredibly realistic fashion..

Finally for this part, the Lord our Saviour, Jesus Christ will finally be making an appearance. Look heres the proof..

That's all for now, enjoy your Sunday and see you on the darkside..


Now I hate to laugh at the homeless but this was apparantly a real contest in Belgium to publicise their plight and to "..improve the self-esteem of the girls involved..". You'd do everyone of them and you know it!


Gotta love spelling mistakes on flyers, this is like something from South Park...


Now I don't know too much about ice hockey, but your surely not gonna be happy with this headline underneath a picture of yourself...


You gotta admire someone that'll take their ink this far, even if it is kind of freaky..


Morning all, hope your transition back into the working week isn't too harsh. First up for this part, this freaky looking kid loves his cat as you can see..

Next up, Barack (you don't mind if I call you Barack do you?), your the worlds hero without really doing that much. Surely on those grounds Gordon Brown deserves a Nobel peace prize, or maybe me?? Did no one tell the committee that his country's at war?

And finally for this part and the week, being spanked by the Lord. I mean WTF!?!?


Before anyone says anything I know this wouldn't work as Bruce Wayne didn't become Batman until his parents were murdered. Frickin' geeks! Anyway its still damn funny, watch...


Late posting today I know, but what can I say? When you have a busy life like I do you just have to make do! Oh and by the way almost non of this weeks post is safe for work, suffer! First up this football fan is really pleased his team won..

Website of the Week
I love sites that do exactly what they say, which is why I've put cakefarts.com up as WotW this week..

Next up, the awesome comedy hip hop stylings of the WTF Collective, featuring, amongst others, MC Insecure, MC Confusing & MC Amnesia (What's my name?!?). This ones for you Master Draper..

Tw*t of the Week
This weeks TotW comes from the oh so voyeuristic @shhdontellsteveBasically a guy spies on his flatmate Steve, and then tweets it for our pleasure... Kinda wrong but I gotta say I have been laughing!

And finally I have no idea what these people are talking about, but I do love it when people get needlessly angry.. A fight breaks out on a San Francisco bus, oh how I love the general public..

Take care all, see you on the darkside..


Geez, I dunno. Those crazy Japanese. Incidentally how do apps like this get approved, yet anything that might prove useful in a competitive nature to Apple don't?


This kid has clearly had enough of his sister...


I love it when people get overly angry, especially over chicken. I wonder if this guy has seen his superstar appearance on the 'tinterwebz yet? Also I wonder if this is the guy Gil Scott Heron was on about when he spoke about watching the revolution with chicken hanging from our mouths??


A mashup of Reservoir Dogs and TMNT, well funny!


A lesbian sequel to Brokeback Mountain. Really? No, well a boy can dream can't he...


God I dunno what it is, but I find these quite funny. Maybe because I'm a cat lover but...


A remix of the classic Paper Planes by M.I.A. featuring cats and dogs instead of the gunshots and till ringing.. Its mostly safe for work except for one shot in particular..


Morning all, hope your Monday is going well. First off for this part, Google only says these things cos we tell it to. Thats right peeps Google learns and remembers what other people type into it, therefore who the fuck typed these little beautys in..

Or these for that matter??

Next up, we're not completely full of crap over here at the 'Giraffe and just to prove it..

And finally the G20 undercover cop fail. I am speechless, just ridiculous!
I hope they get their money back from the Halloween store when they return those “Angry Protester” costumes.

Thats it, I'm off, see you next week, on Rolfs Cartoo... Opps wrong show!


Morning all, hope your having a top lazy Sunday. First off a shout out to the #FridayDrinks crew for another top evening. It was great to some old friends as well as meet new faces. Also I was interviewed by @lesanto for media140.org on my use of Twitter. Keep your eye on the FridayDrinks blog for a rundown of the eve and details of the next event.

Anyways on with this weeks post, first up the top 100 YouTube moments in 2:47...

Website of the Week
Ok in a pickle over your expenses? Shitting yourself in case your boss sees your receipts? Then feel free to use this weeks WoW, the expense-a-steak.

A bit of research, thats all it takes, and then you can stop making a tit out of yourself and the newspaper you work for!

Eric Spiegelman took 130 photos from a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and made a video… of the president's ROBOT SMILE!!!!

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.


To the tune of Hey there, Delilah, an awesome tribute to Cthulhu. What's that? Who are the Cthulhu? Get the hell offa my website!!

(via edenbrooks)


Almost as funny as the 'gaydar' episode of the US Office, this is an oldie but, oh such a goodie. The ignorance of some still astounds me..


This is quite creepy, and the script is so forced..


Honestly bloody rich kids, a dog was always good enough for me when I was a kid.. Oh and Playf' I think this beats that Enid Blyton style one of you on a tortoise on Facebook, hands down!


This is sooooo very David Brent! I mean imagine if one of your mates found this, recognised it as your mum and then posted it on your Facebook page, oh the horror!


The Psychrolutes marcidus, aka blobfish, is a fish that adapted to the deep(800m) waters off the Australian coast. For the full article go here.


A recent shot taken while Mr Gibson was out running. Its alright Mel, you know from past experience, blame it on the alcohol and America will love you once more..


An advert for bubble tea, taking it one step too far I feel..

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