Evening all. Good weekend? Bet you thought I'd forgotten you. Or "..fallen down the plug-hole.".
First up watch this dude unload, 'Falling Down' style..
Next up, a weird Japanese take on Family Guy. Except Megs kinda cute and Chris is ripped!?
Morning all. Any snow where you are? Anyways on with todays show...
The Cassini space probe flew by Saturn recently and took pictures of its moon Mimas. As it has an 88 mile wide crater on the surface it bears a stricking resemblance to a certain dark lords precious space station...
![]() |
That's no moon... |
Next up a rather special Taiwanese video, depicting in full computer generated 3D, what it would be like working with that "bully" Gordon Brown...
Overwhelmed by Google and their continuous wave (*snigger*) of products? Not really getting the point of them? Let Odd Todd try and explain...
Morning all. First up, a bit of geek humour for you, Link Floyd..
Morning all. Good weekend? First up this morning, this is a bit cutesy but still, damn funny: Doggy Din Dins...
Ever wonder what type of motorbike you would ride in the coming apocalypse? I'd say it'd be something like this...
This next video is like a 10 minute long mindfuck. A compilation of some of the weirdest moments in TV/film history, watch...
Now I'm not one to laugh at people hurting themselves, but if you're gonna film and then upload it to the tubes, you're fair game I reckon..
A sun dog is a prismatic bright spot in the sky caused by sun shining through ice crystals. The Atlas V rocket exceeded the speed of sound in this layer of ice crystals, making the shock wave visible from the ground. The announcer can be heard in the video saying, "The vehicle is now supersonic."
Morning all. Friday once again. Which is nice. So we've already covered the delights of anonymous chat room omegle.com. But have you guys checked out chatroulette.com? Its the same thing but with video and is twice as amusing because of it. Check a couple of these screenshots below..
Next up, I suppose it is the country that gave us Bjork, which explains a lot. Thing is the bird in this video is really cute. Anyways the Vice Guide to Icelandic Elf Sex. Yup, really...
Next up, I knew he was high I just fricking knew it! Right I'm off to Maccas at lunchtime...
Morning all. Remember what I was saying in this weeks Sunday Joint about a trend for old school animations on the interwebz? Well it just gets better. Just so very funny, check out Tales of Mere Existence: How You May Fall For A Girl On Facebook..
Ahhhhaa, here I am! You thought I disappeared off the face of the earth, right? Or not. Ok on with the show..
Happy ValenGuys Day bros!
Next up, like a South African GLC with hints of Ali G, if you havn't seen these videos already check 'em out, they really are very funny. Anyhoozle, an interview with the awesome Die Antwoord..
This is the final piece for my AS art course, a flipbook made entirely out of biro pens. It’s something like 2100 pages long, and about 50 jotter books. I’d say I worked on and off it for roughly 3 weeks.
Morning all once again, it.is.Friday. Awesomes! Ok, come get some...
First up loaf of bread or a dog? You decide..
Next up, and admittedly, we havn't had it so bad, snow wise in this 'Shire. But it does keep threatening and I can appreciate the sentiment of this video referring to the current sno-pocalypse in the US..
Q: How do you confuse a tabloid reader?
A: Tell them an asylum seeker's killed a paedophile
M-m-morning all. You know what? I think I may have found a worthwhile facebook group. The gherkin below has 430,000 fans on facebook, while Nickelback has 1,380,820. You know what to do peeps (click on the pickle)...
Next up, immature I know but I couldn't help but gaffaw at this...
Finally for the day, this one is weird. Side by side or one on top of the other...
Morning all. Hope your well. First up woman finally evolved, worm style, to procreate without the need of a male??
Finally for the day, Ellendalez - Facebook Stalkin'. Annoyingly addictive but very funny...
This has to be the luckiest kid on the planet; I would've killed for something like this when I was his age...
Next up this guys gonna have a heart attack soon, so lap it up while you can..
Morning all. Friday it is then *woop*. First up, and if you didn't know, thegrainsilo industries have launched our sister blog this week, 'Avin A Giraffe: Diggin' in the Crates. Basically this will be dedicated to the plethora of music, new and old, available all over the tubes. We have our very own resident DJ in GeeGeeDubya, posts on artists new and old, local and international, plus an upcoming podcast and *fingers crossed* a permanent feature on 60s psych rock. So yeah, go check it out mo fos!
On with this show. First up I have to say I have been very restrained on the whole iTampon jokes, but this one really made me laugh. I knew Steve was nicking his ideas from somewhere.
Next up, a mate of mine (no names of course) introduced me to a website called omegle.com recently. The point of it is, you talk to strangers. The temptation to scare people of course is huge...
Really? Honestly? They can't be for real surely?? Either way its pretty funny. Check out the DJs next level PC computer skills...