
Morning all. Wasps. They are evil little fuckers I think. The below graphic only serves to prove me right...

Now this next one is a little fudging weird. Scarface as a school play. I'm kinda speechless...

Next up and finally for the day, we have had lots of fun with the Japanese over the past couple of weeks but this really is just weird! And they're blacked up too. Japan, listen! Blacked up is NEVER funny!!!


Afternoon all. Good weekend? I certainly hope so.

First up 99 words for boobs..

Michael Buble has got himself a stalker apparently...

This is like something from a  cartoon, but  still, v funny..

Ok remember OMG Cat from last week. Well in the video below we get to see the horror that caused that hilarious expression, watch...

That is it y'all. Hope I capped your weekend off nicely. Have a good week and I will see you somewhere within I'm sure...


Morning all. Its Friday. Which of course is ace!

First up, Incestual Undertones in Star Wars. Don't tell me you didn't notice this before...

Next, George W Bush proves what a twat he is and wipes his hand on Bill Clintons shirt after shaking hands with a Haitian..

After Joe Bidens gaffe during the healthcare reforms in America this week...

..You would imagine the interwebz has been hard at work producing some suitable satire...

 As well as..

Thats y'all, enjoy your weekend and I will see you on Sunday.


Morning all. Good weekend? Yup thats right, you read right above. For some reason (nothing to do with a certain Welsh PR guru then) traffic spiked on Saturday to hit 350 visitors. The best bit is I didn't even post anything! Anyhoozle thankyou to all that visited, it means way more to me than any ad words micro cents believe me!

On with the show...

First up, I dunno what went wrong but it clearly pissed this reporter off...

Next up, this is what 200MB looked like in 1970. Try fitting that in your iPod...

And finally, the top 10 Family Guy songs. Personally I reckon #5, "I need a Jew" is still the best but there you go...

Oh go on I'll give you this then. Its one way to create a wave pool certainly...


Morning all, good weekend? Certainly looks as though its gonna be a nice one today. Anyhoozle, do you  reckon SxSW was over run by bloggers this year??

Next up, Pixar is to remake the Terminator...

Next up, this looks so damn funny! Chris Morris' Four Lions. Now I've stopped wetting myself I can post the clip...

Finally for today, what Olivia really saw in her Flash Forward...


Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Good job its Friday then.

You know I'm a sucker for anything like this. Two Fredriks perform a rather ace little medley of TV themes. What is it about the US Office theme as well? Always makes me feel slightly nostalgic and I have no idea why...

0:01 Two and a Half Men
0:22 The Simpsons
0:36 O.C
1:00 Naruto
1:11 Family Guy
1:41 Married with Children
1:57 Cheers
2:16 That 70's Show
2:41 Big Love
2:58 Freaks and Geeks
3:18 Malcolm in the Middle
3:35 X-Files
3:55 Firefly
4:09 The Office
4:24 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
4:44 Scrubs
4:54 True Blood
5:27 Charles in Charge
5:38 The Big Bang Theory
5:55 How I Met Your Mother
6:05 Mission Impossible
6:14 Friends

So thats what the military is spending all its cash on. Although if its the UK armed forces it will be full of 2nd rate skanks and 'mis-firing equipment' ;-)....

Next, do you reckon Sandra Bullock knew? Check this slo-mo clip. That look of scorn says only one thing to me...

Finally, this guy really knows how to apologise. And rub it in a bit...

Have a good weekend all, I will see you Sunday...


Q. How do you turn a duck into a soul singer?

A. Put it in the microwave until it's Bill Withers.

(via @SueFrithGrau/@5tevenw)


Morning all. Really why the hell would you keep a wildcat as a domestic pet? Asking for trouble. Anyway his name is Ramsey and he's really not happy...


Next up, the rather fantastic Pomplamoose are back, this time with an excellent cover of Gaga/Beyonces telephone. Mega. Don't say I never give you nuffink!


Whatever you do, do NOT Google the title of this post. As in the two words 'Blue' and 'Waffle'. Yeah thanks @Thud_Hardbutt...

*update* If you are stoopids enough to try the above Google search, it is totally NSFW. But then you are on my blog and I believe you understand this already. 

Enough with that grossness. On with the show.

Look, Chuck. I used to respect you. All be it in a piss-takey, kinda cheesy 80's way, but still. Now I've seen this next video however...

Next up and lastly for the day, Dr Jesus Trott: The Revenge. The story of Jesus, turned into a Hollywood style extravaganza + the sequel + some guns...


Morning all. Back in the saddle today after a weekend off. Hope you had a good one.

First up, I know your down its still only Tuesday. Cheer yourself up with this little video (prob nsfw)...

Check out the size of this guys...

Darth Vader really is a bit of an arsehole...


Finally for today...


Morning all. Its Friday already. Yup really, not kidding or anything.

First up, he's just trying to do his piece to camera, stay out of his way alright...

Recently deceased actor Andrew Koenig now enjoys a walk in the park....

Next up, group therapy with subsidized drinks? Perfect..

Finally for the day, anyone fancy some boiled scorn?

Thats it, back to work. I will see you Sunday, have a top weekend!


Morning all. First up some brightspark has cut the Beastie Boys classic Sabotage to footage from Battlestar Galactica. And its pretty damn good!

And just for comparison:

Lastly for today, will everyone just calm the fuck down...


Morning all. First up you would regret this, I know you would...

Never one to be seen as a sore loser, James Cameron congratulates Kathryn Bigelow at the recent Oscars...

Click 'Continue Reading' for the rest of the post...


Morning all, good weekend? Of course #FridayDrinks was a top night see fridaydrinks.info for all the deets...

First up remember that skype sponsored project I covered recently? With the five artists around the world? You call them on skype, give them a message for someone and they interpret it how they see fit. Well this has to be the harshest one yet...

Next up, ever wonder exactly how a film gets its rating. This'll fill you in...


Morning all. Welcome to your Friday. Busy day ahead? I should hope so, you've done nothing but slack all week...

First up and if you haven't seen it yet, the Trololo song...

Next up, did you know Romeo and Juliet are on Facebook?

Ok this next ones just a bit scary. Who'd of thought a simple tree branch could make such noise...

Anyone thats played Grand Theft Auto or watched Knight-Rider will get this one...

I don't know whats funny about this next video, it just is...

Trampoline Dog - watch more funny videos

Thats it y'll, Have a top weekend. #FridayDrinks this eve up at the Adam and Steve. Pop along if your on Twitter and up for a drink. If not have a good one and I will see you Sunday. 

Check this hand, cos I is out... 


Morning all. Cheryl Cole changed her relationship status on Facebook yesterday...

(via @SimonHume/@BrynMorgan)

Creepy. That is all..

Pim and Jam

Finally for the day, yet another Fox News fail...

Nice work, Fox...

That's all I got, get back to work, you lazy good for nothing...


Morning. So it's Spring apparently. Tell me, what's the big yellow thingy in the sky again?

On with the show.

First up, Kim Jong-il and Princess Anne, separated at birth?

(via the rather funny @FreshPlastic)

I so have to this film...

Finally for the day, a call to arms, and in the vein of #swearing...

(via the brilliantly funny @juliasegal)
Back to work slackers, see you in the 'morrow...


Morning all...

This next video features some terrible acting but is very funny (you can skip to the action at 01:45)...

Bad pun time, tee he...

And finally, introducing Mrs Porn...

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