Evening all. Good weekend? Obviously ignore the title of this post. I have never claimed to be a journalist and embrace new media and all its wonders. Now if you called me an amateur film maker and avid blogger, that I feel is somehow more accurate...
Anyways Iron Man is out taking revenge. Check it...
EMBED-Crazy Asian Gets in fight with crazy Red neck on bus - Watch more free videos
'OK, ' she said. 'That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first.
The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, 'Hmmm, I have
To which the little girl replies, 'Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know sh*t?'
Morning all.
Gosh that flip-flop is sooooo far away. Man...
Evening all. Good weekend? Little life lesson, never mix bourbon and sambuca in the same night. It hurts...
This first one comes via @rachaelblogs...
Fancy some sex with Not-Quite-Beyonce??
Has anyone noticed how Tom Cruise is shrinking??
This one may take you a couple of seconds but it is a genuine advert for lube I'm told...
Now this next video is in no way funny. I was disgusted tbh. This is from one of these tea party gatherings where a bunch of right wing red neck Americans get together and protest what seem to be some very sensible reforms to the ailing healthcare system in the US. Keeping in mind that these guys are meant to be Christian, I think baby Jesus would cry at their actions here....
Thats it. Have a good return to work and I will see you Tuesday...
Morning all. OMG its Friday again, how fantastic!
I just gotta post this video I know you will love it. From the always excellent Pomplamoose, September by Earth Wind and Fire...
Old Jokes Home:
A man goes to the doctor. The doctor shakes his
head and says, "I'm sorry but you're going to
have to stop masturbating".
"Why?" asks the man.
"Because I'm trying to examine you".
Ok finally for the day, ready for 25 seconds of pure antipodean cute overload??
Morning all.
First up I'm not impressed by this even as a Transformers fan. Its just, well, he's so proud of his ridiculous creation...
Evening all. Good weekend?
Nothing like an explosion to get things started. Texas stadium in Dallas, former home of the Dallas Cowboys. I've seen a bridge demolished in Clearwater, Florida and I can confirm they really do get that excited...
You can get everything at this car wash...
This would be so great for getting rid of people...
Friday again. Only one thing for it...
You know you've done bad when this happens..
Next up, A very funny advertising fail. Just bizarre...
Afternoon all. Good long weekend? Apologies for the no post yesterday. I can't remember where I was but it was no where near a computer put it that way.
Anyways first up, Weird Al is a grammer nerd, watch...
A bin man was collecting the rubbish, but one house
hadn't put its bin out so he knocked on the door.
It was Jonathan Ross' house.
Bin man: Where's yer bin?
Jonathan Ross: Er, sorry I was in the toilet
Bin man: So, where's yer BIN?
JR: I was in the toilet
Bin man: No where's your WHEELY BIN?
JR: OK, I weally been having a wank.
Morning all. That's right. No work tomorrow. W00t! Consider this your Friday Funnies as I won't be posting tomorrow. And I will be at the music quiz tonight at the Jolly Brewer hosted by @thucydides_uk. As you should be too.
This one came via my good tweep @JustinReid and is an absolute corker, Galactic Empire State of Mind. He got 99 problems but a Jedi ain't one...