
Afternoon all. Back once again like a renegade master. Apologies for the absence. I've been moving/rejiggling/hunkered over in the spacelab writing fresh scripts. Click on through the break for a fresh dose of Sunday funnies...


I so forgot to post this earlier, the Hunter S Thompson film The Crazy Never Die. Its a strange little film produced by the infamous Mitchell Brothers giving the viewer front row access to a lecture the good doctor did at a university in the eighties. As lucid as it is intriguing in my opinion (Sourced from Disinfo)...


Morning all. Yup that's right, as the title of this post suggests and the picture above proves, some *genius* at the Texas state fair this year, figured out how to fry beer. No you heard right, no need to double check that last sentence. Insert "only in America/Bloody Yanks/Oh he's picking on the Americans and not the Welsh this week" type comment here...................................

Click on through the break for more funnies...


OK so I totally pilfered this from iheartpatstump (via@rachaelblogs) but what you gonna do, its the interwebs ok!

1)When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

2) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.

3) Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.


Afternoon all, hope you've had a good weekend. First off I'd like to say congrats to my good friend Glenn who won this weeks heat of the King of the Decks competition at Ritzy, Lincoln on Friday. Fucking woo hoo!! Gotta say he killed it and the guy that was on after him that dropped three (yup that's all) rather generic D n B tunes clearly didn't. And before I forget, I have to give the guy who we caught trying to moonwalk across the sticky mess that is Ritzys carpet a mention. Of course he failed and then carried on walking normally in a "I hope no one saw that" type manner. Anyhoozle click on through the break for more Sunday mayhem...


Evening all. Welcome to your Sunday dose of funnies. The above stone was found just around the corner from my local. There is a joke in there somewhere. In fact I'm sure there are about 50 odd, so I shall leave it open to you guys. Yup that's right, a caption competion if you will. Answers on a postcard (or more likely through the comments down the bottom there). Best one wins a night with James's Mum (click on through the break for this weeks post)...


Uber-creepy number plate...
Evening all. Yup that's right, this blog is officially 400 posts old. At least I can take the credit for that myself and no one is likely to steal it unlike certain other projects I'm involved in *retracts claws*. Anyways plenty to laugh about in todays post just click on through...

*UPDATE* As I pressed publish on this post both the panda and Pulp Fiction videos were pulled from YouTube. Apologies there is nothing I can do in these circumstances.


Morning all. Yup thats right. The lovely Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame (I'll Hermione her Granger *snigger*) has had all of her hair chopped off. And as you can see from the picture above, she is ultra smoking now...

In other news, I had a blog post to write. Oh yeah. So #FridayDrinks, Lincolns informal meet up of Twitter folk is 1 years old today. We wear big boys pants these days and everyfink. The do itself will be at the Adam and Eve, so if you're in Lincoln and on Twitter I suggest you head up to the Adam from about 7:30. In the meantime click on through the break for your dose of Friday Funnies (or stay here and stare at the picture of Emma for hours like I didn't do last night)...


Evening all. I trust you had a good weekend. It's been a funny old week. Especially if you're Lawrence Fishburne who discovered his daughter, Montana, is not exactly following in daddies footsteps by making a xxx sex tape for Vivid Entertainment.  And I quote:
 "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape."
 Anyways some funny stuff in todays post; click on past the break to get your Sunday injection...


For @Rachaelblogs for cheering me up this afternoon...

A Welshman was washed up on a beach after a terrible shipwreck.

Only a sheep and a sheepdog were washed up with him. Looking around, he realized they were stranded on a deserted island. After being there awhile, he got into the habit of taking his two animal companions to the beach every evening to watch the sun set.

One particular evening, the sky was a fiery red with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was warm and gentle - a perfect night for romance.

As they sat there, the sheep started looking better
and better to the lonely Welshman.
Soon, he leaned over to the sheep and... put his arm around it.

But the sheepdog, ever protective of the sheep, growled fiercely until the man took his arm from around the sheep.

After that, the three of them continued to enjoy the sunsets together but there was no more cuddling.

A few weeks passed by and, lo and behold, there was another shipwreck.
The only survivor was a beautiful young woman, the most beautiful woman the man had ever seen. She was in a pretty bad way when he rescued her and he slowly nursed her back to health.

When the young maiden was well enough, he introduced her to their evening beach ritual. It was another beautiful evening... red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and gentle breeze - perfect for a night of romance.

Pretty soon, the Welshman started to get 'those feelings' again.
He fought the urges as long as he could but he finally gave in and realizing he now had the opportunity, leaned over to the young woman cautiously and whispered in her ear,

'Would you mind taking the dog for a walk?'


Morning all. OK so if you haven't already take a look at the survey below this post. Its important ok. Also take a look at the Sxip Shirey post below that one. The beats are awesome, and the man himself actually stopped by this very blog *lets out a little bit of wee*. Anyways enough gushing...


This is amazing. Filmed at 9000 frames a second this minute and a half long video actually covers less than two seconds in real time. Watch...


We're crowd sourcing this one peeps. Please take the time to fill out the tiny survey below....


These guys may a lot to Goldie Lookin Chain, but it's still piss funny. Stolen (like a true Newportian I believe) from the wonderful Miss Blogs. Innit. Like...


Like I said in my tweet yesterday you guys are gonna hate Sxip and his beats. They're really bad, you just won't enjoy them. It's just it means so much to me, it speaks to me. Its all about NYC and I've never been. In all seriousness Jim, you probably won't like this: I wouldn't even bother pressing play mate...


Morning all. Long time no post, sorry. Been busy and all. Well mostly hanging out on sickipedia. And entertaining Americans (Hi Christine ;)) Here's your post...


One for the boys and a touch not safe for week if you happen upon this in the morn.

You can thank me later...


the 'pioneering' "Turds of Misery". Smile boys!

Morning all hope you are well and had a good weekend. If you have been watching True Blood, you obviously have very good taste. Now revel in the knowledge that Snoop Dogg shares that taste and apparantly really fancies Sookie. As well as smoking "True Bud" of course...


Morning all. As I am sure you can see with your own two eyes I had a bit of a reshuffle and redesign around these parts. Its looking a lot tidier I reckon and I am loving my gallery up the top. Anyways I hope you like...

So I'm sure you've read all about North Koreas censorship of the world cup. Well now it turns out there are a heap of NK 'fans' who are in fact paid Chinese actors. I mean, WTF? Kim-Jong-Il thinks I'm at work indeed...


Looks like Obamas getting together a team of Kick Ass Experts to sort out the whole BP oil spill drama...


Thats right peeps some Nigerian prince or some such tried to scam me this am. I received an email from Wenona at investet.com (the domain itself is a blank white page) but sent from her Hotmail address. See below...


Afternoon all. Hope you are well.

First up, like you don't want to try this already. YEA-HA!!!

 (original story here. A similar incident happened when I was in Melbourne circa 2005 check it out here.)


Morning all.

Check this out for a photo bomb. She sure is chowing down on that corn dog...

OK this is kinda long and just repeats but it is funny. How not to co-present a sports game? Or maybe, can you hear the other announcers *almost* laughing? Anyway guys, hes a hockey announcer, guys?


Evening all. Having a good weekend?

First up, 2 massive bits of sadness. The mighty Dennis Hopper has died from prostate cancer. In tribute, this short montage from arguably his finest hour...

Also Gary Coleman has stepped off this mortal coil. May the force be with you Gary...


Morning all. OK I'm only gonna say it the once but JJ Abrams owes me 6 years of my life back the twat!


If you missed this during the week it is pretty damn funny. Ozzy Osbourne scares the shit out of people at Madame Tussauds in New York...

Next up, industrious sex...


So I'll probably get into trouble for this but a mate just sent me this via email...


Afternoon all. Gees what a scorcher of a weekend, brilliant! Hope you had a good one whatever you did.


Bill Gates and Steve Jobs reminisce...

Next, ever wondered what goes on at a script writers meeting at Lost HQ...

Viewing porn affects your life more than you think you know...

And just cos it is the Lost finale this week, catch up on what you missed via the internets favourite animals: Cats...

Lets hope this awesome weather sticks around a bit longer. Catch you all later....


Morning all.

A little song about but sects?

And lastly today, provincial homophobia at its best. No mincing please...

Have a top weekend I will catch you on Sunday...


 To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity 
1.. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars.... See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice!
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana.
6. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get.
7. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
9. Sing Along At The Opera.
10. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You have a headache.
11. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'
12. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity


(via my partner in crime Bev)


Web Branding - The Best Website Designs & Search Engine Optimisation

I totally forgot to pimp this out earlier. Its my mates web design and branding service. You should give it a try, the rates are good and I can tell you first hand the designs are ace so get on it, go here. Yes I do endorse this service what of it?! I'm hoping if I do this he might do me some SEO work or some such on the cheap ;)


Afternoon all.

Some corkers today so I'll just crack on...

First up your mates would never believe it without the pic....

Next up more taser videos. Now I'm not sure if this is faked or not but its still damn funny...


Easy Tiger...

Finally for the day, the very definition of close I believe...

That's it y'all have a good week I will catch you later....


Morning all. Another week, another Friday Funnies.

First up, officially this guy is the worst wedding DJ ever. Its the way she doesn't react...

Fake science. It rocks...

Bet this guy felt like a right dick...

This dog soooo gets into his beats...

So I'll leave you with this, from Dan Bull (hes been a busy boy recently), Changes...


Morning all. 

This'll warm the cockles of your heart...

Now heres a gaffe you wouldn't want to make...

Thats it. Get off my land!

See ya!


Ha, morning all! Whats the go then? I deliberately wrote this post last night (or tonight if you wanna get all David Lynch about it) because you know its gonna be the first thing on yo mommas lips. The election that is, not my n...

Point is I've voted but I'm already bored of talking about it (and theres another reason I didn't post yesterday) and well, this is a funnies blog sooooo....

Don't tell me you wouldn't abuse your powers???

Three words.. Tree Clit Ring.. Yup..

OK go on then I'll give you a couple of election themed videos. I'd just like to note this is not me getting political. This, as always, is about taking the pisssssss.....

First up the cover of Pulps Common People by William Shatner, Ben Folds and Joe Jackson. With a twist. David Cameron Met a Black Man by Tim Ireland...

And finally from the always awesome Dan Bull, the fourth election debate, the rap battle...

Go on then. I found this and couldn't resist. I make no apologies. The Notorious H.I.T.

I genuinely do hope we're not stuck with the Tories at the time this posts... *update* WE ARE FUCKED!!


Evening all. Good long weekend so far? Remember we still have Monday to go!!

First up, this guy is so trustworthy, I can tell :-S...

Now then, really? Apparently this makes a great wedding gift...

Election day Thursday and whilst I never get political on this blog it is VERY important that you vote, even if it is to keep the fucking BNP out! Oh and now we know what Camerons thinking about too...

This next video is brilliant. How advertising should be...

Finally for the day, a little Stick man humour...

Have a top day off tomorrow peeps I will see you at some stage during the week...


Morning all.

Aside from being a rocking tune, the latest from MIA, Born Free, also has a rather exceptional and scary video from Romain Gavras...

And for those that haven't seen it yet, the Ukrainian Parliament falling apart earlier this week, watch...


Evening all. Good weekend? Obviously ignore the title of this post. I have never claimed to be a journalist and embrace new media and all its wonders. Now if you called me an amateur film maker and avid blogger, that I feel is somehow more accurate...

Anyways Iron Man is out taking revenge. Check it...

Ahahahaaa. Bringing Sexy Back...

I know you always wanted to know how to build your own sex dungeon soooo...

And finally, two of the worlds craziest woman get on a bus....

EMBED-Crazy Asian Gets in fight with crazy Red neck on bus - Watch more free videos

Have a good week y'all. Remember no deviation from the path of true journalism. If you see something newsworthy on the street, report it to the Sun or something....


A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said, 'Let's talk.       
 I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.'
The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, 'What would you like to talk about?'
'Oh, I don't know,' said the stranger. 'How about nuclear power?' and he smiles.

'OK, ' she said.  'That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first.
A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass.  Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns  out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?'

The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, 'Hmmm, I have
  no idea.'

To which the little girl replies, 'Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know sh*t?'


Morning all.

Gosh that flip-flop is sooooo far away. Man...

Gaga is the police line...

Now for an optical illusion. Prepare to have your mind blown. Or not...

Spare a minute for Jesus??

Q: What's the difference between Eyjafjallajoekull and Cheryl Cole? 

A: Eyjafjallajoekull has been blowing Ash this week.

Have a top weekend everyone I will see you next week...


Morning all, come marvel at rock band Creed getting pwned by the internet meme Shreds, ace!

I guess this kid shouldn't have tried to play his parents...

(click on the picture for a larger version)


Evening all. Good weekend? Little life lesson, never mix bourbon and sambuca in the same night. It hurts...

This first one comes via @rachaelblogs...

Fancy some sex with Not-Quite-Beyonce??
Has anyone noticed how Tom Cruise is shrinking??

This one may take you a couple of seconds but it is a genuine advert for lube I'm told...

Now this next video is in no way funny. I was disgusted tbh. This is from one of these tea party gatherings where a bunch of right wing red neck Americans get together and protest what seem to be some very sensible reforms to the ailing healthcare system in the US. Keeping in mind that these guys are meant to be Christian, I think baby Jesus would cry at their actions here....

Thats it. Have a good return to work and I will see you Tuesday...


Morning all. OMG its Friday again, how fantastic!

First up, do you reckon the #DailyFail even realised how funny this headline is??

I just gotta post this video I know you will love it. From the always excellent Pomplamoose, September by Earth Wind and Fire...

It has been a week of bizarre headlines I reckon. Here's another one (click the pic to go to the original story)...

Old Jokes Home:
A man goes to the doctor. The doctor shakes his
head and says, "I'm sorry but you're going to
have to stop masturbating".

"Why?" asks the man.

"Because I'm trying to examine you".

Ok finally for the day, ready for 25 seconds of pure antipodean cute overload??

Have a top weekend all. I'm off to a wedding (Congrats Adam and Louise) so the post on Sunday may be a bit late. Enjoy... ;) 


Morning all.

First up, I think thats former Australian Prime Minister John Howard puckering up...

Ahh standing cat, now we know why you were looking...


Back to work slackers, have a good one...


Morning all.

First up I'm not impressed by this even as a Transformers fan. Its just, well, he's so proud of his ridiculous creation...


Ok so todays internetz challange. Go to the lego.com website and make it swear. Funniest one gets a pair of James Mums pants. See below...

Hehe! Have a good one y'all, see you on the flipside...


Evening all. Good weekend?

Nothing like an explosion to get things started. Texas stadium in Dallas, former home of the Dallas Cowboys. I've seen a bridge demolished in Clearwater, Florida and I can confirm they really do get that excited...

You can get everything at this car wash...

This would be so great for getting rid of people...


This has to be the best placing for two signs ever. Or the worst...

Once again that is it. Enjoy your week, I will see you soon....


Friday again. Only one thing for it...

You know you've done bad when this happens..

Next up, A very funny advertising fail. Just bizarre...

This dear friends, is the truth...

Final for the day, the awesome Buffalo Bill scene from Silence of the Lambs reimagined, as a musical, in lego. Yup, really...


Afternoon all. Good long weekend? Apologies for the no post yesterday. I can't remember where I was but it was no where near a computer put it that way.

Anyways first up, Weird Al is a grammer nerd, watch...


Oh dear...

This next video is for the Playf'. Oh and Mr Drew, who has never seen Top Gun. I know, criminal isn't it...

Finally for the day, some advice for cock stars, sorry, rock stars from everybodies favourite spades a spade type guy, Henry Rollins...

And that told you. Have a good rest of and I shall see you during the week...


A bin man was collecting the rubbish, but one house
hadn't put its bin out so he knocked on the door.
It was Jonathan Ross' house.
Bin man: Where's yer bin?
Jonathan Ross: Er, sorry I was in the toilet
Bin man: So, where's yer BIN?
JR: I was in the toilet
Bin man: No where's your WHEELY BIN?
JR: OK, I weally been having a wank.


Morning all. That's right. No work tomorrow. W00t! Consider this your Friday Funnies as I won't be posting tomorrow. And I will be at the music quiz tonight at the Jolly Brewer hosted by @thucydides_uk. As you should be too.


This one came via my good tweep @JustinReid and is an absolute corker, Galactic Empire State of Mind. He got 99 problems but a Jedi ain't one...

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

Its a long post this week, click 'continue reading' for your full dose....


Morning all. Wasps. They are evil little fuckers I think. The below graphic only serves to prove me right...

Now this next one is a little fudging weird. Scarface as a school play. I'm kinda speechless...

Next up and finally for the day, we have had lots of fun with the Japanese over the past couple of weeks but this really is just weird! And they're blacked up too. Japan, listen! Blacked up is NEVER funny!!!

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